Wendy Jones is a resident of Southport, NC and a member of The Bridge of Life Church. She is a physical education teacher at Southport Elementary School where she has been teaching for the last 33 years.
She has 2 daughters : Jerelyn a graduate of UNC-Wilmington and Bethany a graduate of NC State University.
She is married to her high school sweet heart, Jere Jones.
Power Walking Ministries was founded in 2007. This ministry has provided thousands of new athletic shoes and socks to students in the Brunswick County school system including 20 schools in public, charter, private and home schooled setting along with shoes needed at Hope Harbor Domestic Shelter and slippers for residents in the local nursing homes. They also service many recreational programs for children who cannot afford proper shoes for the sports they play. Power Walking Ministries is based on Romans 10:15″How Beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things.” Wendy’s motto is “Good Shoes bring Good things in a child’s life.
Shoes truly Change Souls! “
Wendy was a former Miss Brunswick County and was 1st Runner Up in the Miss N.C. pageant in 1990. She has also recorded a Contemporary Christian Music CD called Yesterday, Today and Forever.
Wendy is an evangelist and singer who ministers to all ages. She has held weekly bible studies in her home for teens and women and also speaks, sings and teaches at conferences, retreats and churches throughout the area.
Her heart is to see every individual experience total healing and wholeness through Jesus Christ and to feel the amazing Joy and power of God’s love.